14 Secrets To Help Fix Your Back

Hey it’s Matt… Here are the 14 best videos I’ve created in the past 2 years. The #1 most important thing you’ll get from these is an *understanding* of pain. Once you understand pain, you’ll automatically begin to resolve it. There are also some great pain-release movements to try.

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My #1 Movement to Fix Back Pain

This is the very first movement that “actually worked” for me. I’d searched high and low, seen dozens of professionals, and this is the movement that finally made the difference, and paved the way for total recovery. My “Back Pain Miracle” course stems from the realizations about pain-recovery from this movement.

Bed Ridden? Do These Soothing Movements Now

These are “in bed” variations of the “Back Pain Miracle” movements. They’ll help you even without the course, though having the full course would definitely make them more powerful. Just use the positions in the video, and move gentle around to mobilize your spine.

Do NOT Consider Back Surgery Until You Try This

I understand that you believe you’re “all out of options”, though until you’ve tried “Conscious Movement”, you haven’t really tried anything at all. It would be a shame to permanently fixate your spine or hack away at it, when all you need to do is reconnect consciously with your back.

Why Back Pain Can Persist For Decades

I had back pain bad for a total of 12 years before I experienced my first healing moment. Some students of mine have back pain for 60-70 years before finding relief. A lot of the reason comes down to understanding of pain, and courage to face it.

Why Traditional Stretching Has Failed You

Traditional stretching is generally taught by people who have never really experienced tight, painful muscles. What they do is joyful experience of their existing flexibility. But if you try to do that, you’ll just pull on stubborn muscles that need an entirely different kind of attention.

My #1 Back Stretch (Soft, Gentle & Instant Relief)

This is an ultra-calm, ultra-gentle movement you can do in any chair, with soft pillows or blankets as support. It’s intended to be the most relaxing position for your back muscles. Just gentle lean forward into softness and let go of the tension.

10 Minute Daily Routine to Fix Your Back

This is the wonderful “Vaganova Ballet” full-body mobilizer. It will stretch and strength all the right things in all the right ways. Do it only as well as you feel comfortable (don’t force yourself into pain), and do it regularly as part of a routine.

The Truth About Sciatica (You Need to Hear This)

Sciatica is NOT what you’ve been taught. In this video you’ll discover how “real life events” cause conflicts that manifest as physical restrictions and blockages in the body. You’ll learn the difference between “Primary” and “Secondary” sciatica – which one do you have?

Knee Pain? Here’s What You Need to Know

I had knee pain just as bad as I had back pain… perhaps even worse. I had to gain an even more advanced understanding of pain & healing to make progress with my knees. The explanation you’ve been looking for is presented in this video.

Discover “Conscious Movement”: The Key to Releasing Pain

Movement is “Conscious” when you’re actively focusing on your body, observing, analyzing… and ultimately understanding what is happening. This is a paradigm shift in the way you use, move and heal your body. It really is the key to a pain free body and life.

How it Feels to Release Pain (Not What You Think)

The “pain release experience” can evade us for years or decades, because we’re looking for the wrong thing. It’s described incorrectly by physical therapists and doctors, and that holds you on the wrong path. After watching this, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to reach your pain-free goals.

The “Deep Focus” Trick to Release Stubborn Pain

The key technique to healing with conscious movement is how you focus your awareness on your muscles and joints. When you finally do it correctly, it’s like opening your eyes after being blind your whole life. You’ll perceive a whole new inner world.

Why “Slow & Gentle” Movement Fixes Back Pain

Most movement taught by physical therapists is too fast, too aggressive, too strenuous. And it prevents you calming down and focusing. That means no meaningful can be made. You have to initially move very, very slowly to be present enough to facilitate the pain release experience.

How to Activate Your “Mind-Muscle Connection”

The Mind Muscles Connection is what you use to “deeply focus” on your muscles, and become conscious of your muscles. But it can be “inactive”, due to “abandoning your body”. This is how to reignite the fire of body perception. Very important.